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Graintech Africa

KENYA – The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Cooperatives (MALFC) of Kenya has marked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to team up with Microsoft to quicken development in the nation’s agrarian part.

The MoU will empower MALFC to take advantage of Microsoft innovation to quicken the goals of accomplishing 100% nourishment and sustenance security in the nation as a major aspect of the Government’s Big Four program.
Agriculture Principal Secretary Prof. Hamadi Boga says under the arrangement, the legislature will endeavor at expanding the day by day normal pay for farmers by a third and decrease significantly the quantity of nourishment uncertain Kenyans.
“To guarantee that we accomplish our Food Security objective, we are taking a stab at a 34 percent expansion in the every day normal pay of farmers,” said Prof. Hamadi.
Under the agreement, Microsoft will configuration, pilot and dispatch a program to drive agriculture arrangements development that tends to key difficulties confronting the farming segment, for example, vermin and sickness control, maintainable rural asset the board and agri-climate information.
Microsoft is required to use its Open Data Platform and Azure Chatbot administrations to assist farmers with agricultural pest-control diagnostics.
“Microsoft accepts that selection and combination of innovations, for example, the cloud, AI and that’s only the tip of the iceberg, into the farming space will achieve this change as exactness,” says Microsoft Kenya Country Manager Kendi Nderitu

The innovation giant is profoundly connected with finding inventive agri-tech answers for African agriculture issues and has recently banded together with the World Bank through its One Million Farmers Platform, and the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), to co-make innovation arrangements in Africa.
To ensure farmers adopt the new technologies, they undertake digital training and develop the needed skills in agriculture through its internship program.
This initiative seeks to offer young graduates the chance to grow their careers through six-month placements in Microsoft partner organizations.
“Agriculture is a priority area of investment for us, not only because of the enormous number of livelihoods it supports and the economic growth it drives but also because it has a high potential to be a data-driven sector,” says Amrote Abdella, Regional Director of Microsoft 4Africa.
“We’re fully committed to supporting agricultural transformation starting in Kenya – and the rest of Africa – and more critically, the innovators who are key drivers of this digital transformation.”
